How to Remove "License Key Missing" Warning in ACP New Tutorial 2015, please check and follow...
Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find:
and replace it with this:
Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> [b]extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find:
Save and you're done.
In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.
it's there How to Remove "License Key Missing" Warning in ACP New Tutorial 2015, Greetings
Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find:
if( !$this->settings['ipb_reg_number'] ) { $this->lang->words['license_missing_info'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['license_missing_info'], $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=tools§ion=licensekey' ); $extra_class = 'force_license'; $license_html = <<<HTML <div id='license_notice_force'> <h4>{$this->lang->words['license_missing_header']}</h4> <p>{$this->lang->words['license_missing_info']}</p> </div> HTML; } else { $licenseData = $this->cache->getCache( 'licenseData' ); if( ( !$licenseData OR !$licenseData['key']['_expires'] OR $licenseData['key']['_expires'] < IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW and $licenseData['key']['_expires'] != -1 ) AND !IPSCookie::get( 'ignore-license-notice' ) ) { $extra_class = 'expired_license'; $license_html = <<<HTML <div id='license_notice_expired'> <div class='right'><a id='license-close' href='#'>Close</a></div> <h4>{$this->lang->words['license_expired_header']}</h4> <p>{$this->lang->words['license_expired_info']}</p> </div> HTML; } }
and replace it with this:
if( !$this->settings['ipb_reg_number'] )
$this->lang->words['license_missing_info'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['license_missing_info'], $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=tools§ion=licensekey' );
$extra_class = 'force_license';
$license_html = <<<HTML
<div id='license_notice_force'>
$licenseData = $this->cache->getCache( 'licenseData' );
if( ( !$licenseData OR !$licenseData['key']['_expires'] OR $licenseData['key']['_expires'] < IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW and $licenseData['key']['_expires'] != -1 ) AND !IPSCookie::get( 'ignore-license-notice' ) )
$extra_class = 'expired_license';
$license_html = <<<HTML
<div id='license_notice_expired'>
<div class='right'><a id='license-close' href='#'>Close</a></div>
Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> [b]extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find:
and replace with this:if( ! $this->settings['ipb_reg_number'] ) { $entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['lc_title_nokey'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['lc_msg_nokey'], "{$this->settings['base_url']}module=tools§ion=licensekey" ) ); } else { /* Is the Spam Service Working? if ( $this->settings['spam_service_enabled'] ) { $GOT_SPAM_ERROR = false; /* Are we entitled to it? $licenseData = $this->cache->getCache( 'licenseData' ); if ( is_array( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) && count( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) ) { foreach ( $licenseData['ipbMain'] as $data ) { if ( $data['name'] == 'Spam Monitoring Service' && $data['status'] != 'Ok' ) { $disableLink = $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=settings§ion=settings&do=findsetting&key=spamservice"; if ( is_numeric( $data['_expires'] ) && time() > $data['_expires'] ) { $entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['spam_service_expired'], $disableLink ) ); } else { $entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['spam_service_unavailable'], $disableLink ) ); } $GOT_SPAM_ERROR = true; break; } } } if ( ! $GOT_SPAM_ERROR ) { /* Get last 5 logs, and if all 5 are errors, show message $_errors = 0; $_entries = 0; $_lastError = ''; $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'log_code, log_msg', 'from' => 'spam_service_log', 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => 5 ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $_r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $_entries++; if( $_r['log_code'] === '0' ) { $_errors++; if( !$_lastError ) { $_lastError = $_r['log_msg']; } } } if( $_entries > 0 && $_errors == $_entries ) { $entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error_msg'], $_lastError ) ); } } } /* If it's disabled, are we entitiled to it? else { $licenseData = $this->cache->getCache( 'licenseData' ); if ( is_array( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) && count( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) ) { foreach ( $licenseData['ipbMain'] as $data ) { if ( $data['name'] == 'Spam Monitoring Service' && $data['status'] == 'Ok' ) { $entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_disabled'], $this->lang->words['spam_service_disabled_msg'] ); break; } } } } }
/* if( ! $this->settings['ipb_reg_number'] )
$entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['lc_title_nokey'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['lc_msg_nokey'], "{$this->settings['base_url']}module=tools§ion=licensekey" ) );
/* Is the Spam Service Working?
if ( $this->settings['spam_service_enabled'] )
$GOT_SPAM_ERROR = false;
/* Are we entitled to it?
$licenseData = $this->cache->getCache( 'licenseData' );
if ( is_array( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) && count( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) )
foreach ( $licenseData['ipbMain'] as $data )
if ( $data['name'] == 'Spam Monitoring Service' && $data['status'] != 'Ok' )
$disableLink = $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=settings§ion=settings&do=findsetting&key=spamservice";
if ( is_numeric( $data['_expires'] ) && time() > $data['_expires'] )
$entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['spam_service_expired'], $disableLink ) );
$entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['spam_service_unavailable'], $disableLink ) );
if ( ! $GOT_SPAM_ERROR )
/* Get last 5 logs, and if all 5 are errors, show message
$_errors = 0;
$_entries = 0;
$_lastError = '';
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'log_code, log_msg', 'from' => 'spam_service_log', 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => 5 ) );
while( $_r = $this->DB->fetch() )
if( $_r['log_code'] === '0' )
if( !$_lastError )
$_lastError = $_r['log_msg'];
if( $_entries > 0 && $_errors == $_entries )
$entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error'], sprintf( $this->lang->words['spam_service_error_msg'], $_lastError ) );
/* If it's disabled, are we entitiled to it?
$licenseData = $this->cache->getCache( 'licenseData' );
if ( is_array( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) && count( $licenseData['ipbMain'] ) )
foreach ( $licenseData['ipbMain'] as $data )
if ( $data['name'] == 'Spam Monitoring Service' && $data['status'] == 'Ok' )
$entries[] = array( $this->lang->words['spam_service_disabled'], $this->lang->words['spam_service_disabled_msg'] );
Save and you're done.
In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.
it's there How to Remove "License Key Missing" Warning in ACP New Tutorial 2015, Greetings